Bringing Baby Home Workshop

Bringing Baby Home is a workshop for expectant & new parents with children under the age of three years old. The live, virtual sessions will cover the evidence-based program developed by The Gottman Institute that supports parents in keeping their friendship strong as they navigate their transition to or in parenthood. This program is intended for parents to participate together, as the focus of the workshop is to strengthen the parent-parent relationship.

What You’ll Get


    High stable relationship quality

    Less hostility expressed by parents during conflict discussions


    Greater sensitivity and responsiveness to infant’s signals

    Better co-parenting abilities during family play

    Secure attachment (especially with dads)


    Fewer language delays in one-year-old infants

    Babies expressed more smiling and laughter during family play

    Mothers rated their babies as showing less distress in response to limitations (such as having a toy out of reach)


    Fathers reported being more involved in parenting and feeling more satisfied and appreciated for their parental contributions

    More positive father-baby interactions, and better father-baby attachment security

    1-year-old babies were rated as responding more positively to their fathers’ soothing


    Reduced postpartum depression, the baby blues, anxiety, and other indicators of psychopathology such as anxiety in both mothers and fathers.

  • When you and your partner build a healthy emotional foundation for your family during the very early stages of your child’s life, the benefits of that will last well past their newborn years.

What To Expect

Week One

This session focuses on learning skills needed to sustain and maintain a happy, healthy family during your parenting journey. Research shows that 2/3 of couples report a decrease in marital satisfaction after transitioning to parenthood. However, attending this workshop reversed 3/4 of that downturn.

Week Two

This session focuses on understanding the causes of conflict within a relationship and how to regulate the conflict. By focusing on staying connected while the baby takes the center stage, parents can create a strong foundation and a vision for their families’ future.

Week Three

This session focuses on the baby and parenting skills, with a heavy focus on father involvement; how to be attuned with your baby; developing secure attachments with your baby; recognizing and treating postpartum depression and anxiety (for both parents); making time for intimacy; and additional resources.

Limited Enrollment

Limited Enrollment


Workshop Dates:
Wednesdays for 3 Sessions

At this time, Registration is closed. If you have interest in BBH Workshop, reach out here.

Registration Fee: $199 per couple

✺ Frequently Asked Questions ✺

  • Each online session is 2.5 hours for a total of three weeks. This shortened workshop will have “homework” for parents to complete in between sessions.

    For the in-person session, it is a two-day, weekend session. Each session will be for six hours with lunch and snacks provided.

    *The in-person session is for various locations in the state of Arizona.

  • No, bringing baby home is for ALL parents (pre-adoptive, foster, grandparents, step-parents of blended families).

  • This workshop is designed for both parents to be present. The goal is to strengthen the relationship you have with each other. So, it is important to learn together in the workshop, while practicing the new skills together in your home setting.

  • For the virtual workshop, it is $199 per couple for full course and materials.

    For in-person workshop, it is $295 for full course, materials, and lunch.

    There are limited scholarships available, please email to inquire.

  • Anywhere! For online sessions, you can login from anywhere!

  • This workshop is strictly for educational purposes. If you are in need of counseling, I can provide you resources for counselors within your area or refer you to a Gottman counselor that specializes in couples and family therapy.

    *If you are in the state of Arizona, I can provide ongoing counseling to you or provide you with additional resources.